Soothe dark circles with parsley eye mask

Soothe dark circles with parsley eye mask

After recently reading in a research that parsley can help erase dark circles under the eyes, I had to give it a try. Yes, parsley’s vitamin C, chlorophyll, and vitamin K help reduce skin discoloration, reduce age spots, and reduce puffiness.

To make your mask, coarsely chop a handful of parsley (preferably organic). In a small bowl, mash the leaves with a wooden spoon. As if stirring a drink, rub the parsley until it releases the juice into the leaves.

Pour a tablespoon of hot water over the parsley and stir the mixture. You can also combine parsley with yogurt. When the water cools, use 2 cotton balls to absorb the juice. Lie down and hold the cotton under your eyes for 10 minutes.

Do this twice a week to reduce discoloration. The results are not immediate of course. It may take a few weeks to see the changes.

In combination, you can use Soma Cranberry eye serum with hyaluronic acid along with the gua sha mushroom after placing it in the refrigerator for best effect.

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