3 science-based skin care oils

3 science-based skin care oils

There is nothing more luxurious than applying a silky oil to the skin.

Beauty-when it’s done right, when you have the right products and when you’ve found your unique routine-should be something you want to do. Taking care of your skin should be a pleasurable experience, and oils are just that.
But the key to loving – or rather becoming obsessed with – skincare oils is to find the one that works for you. There are so many beautiful oils to choose from, each with their own unique benefits and characteristics. Some are thick, dense and glossy – they spread over the skin like a shiny coating. Others are lightweight, breathable and quick-drying – they disappear into your skin, leaving behind only a soft sheen.

For those who like the rich: Olive oil
Olive oil is an absolute hero, as much a favourite in the kitchen as in beauty products. Thanks to its thicker, syrupy golden consistency, it’s perfect for those who like to spread something rich. Olive oil is particularly rich in vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant that has impressive free radical-fighting abilities. This likely explains why studies have shown that the oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can help soothe irritated skin and manage oxidative stress. This is an important benefit as inflammation is one of the main causes of collagen breakdown, dark spots and premature ageing.

For light oil lovers

There are several dry oil options to choose from, but safflower seed oil is the best. It has a light golden hue and the texture of the liquid is fine and very spreadable.

But it’s not just the consistency that makes it stand out: It’s high in antioxidants and omega fatty acids 3, 6 and 9. The essential fatty acid content is essential for proper barrier function and hydration. But the oil also contains a special collagen-enhancing compound called acetin, a flavonoid. One study found that safflower seed oil and this compound can reduce environmental damage, specifically helping to prevent collagen loss.

For something in between: jojoba oil
If you want something easy and fuss-free that’s the perfect in-between texture, jojoba oil is almost perfect. In fact, the oil is quite close structurally to our own natural oils.

The oil relieves the skin barrier and helps trap moisture – reducing transdermal water loss. In addition, it is rich in beauty-enhancing ingredients such as vitamin E, vitamin B complex, copper and zinc. Thanks to its powerful nutrient profile, it has been shown to have many benefits for healthy aging. In fact, research has found that jojoba oil stimulates collagen synthesis.

It is not only excellent for supporting your barrier, but also for people with acne prone. (Again, this is an excellent middle option.) As we noted, jojoba is structurally similar to sebum, the oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands as a natural way to keep skin and hair moisturized. Jojoba can reduce skin oiliness by regulating your skin’s natural sebum production. And thanks to its high levels of iodine6, the oil balances the overgrowth of bacteria that can cause breakouts.

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